Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1 Year Cranioversary!

We thought is was pretty cool that Isaac had his 1 year check-up appointment on the anniversary of his surgery. He is so much older and easier to take to the doctor! He was so cute and talked with the doctors and was pretty cool with all the head rubbing.

Dr. Siddiqi was really impressed with how well his scar has healed, it is hardly visible. He says that has a lot to do with genetics, so we are grateful for wherever those came from. He does have a couple holes that haven't grown in yet, but he feels confident they will. It could take some time since they didn't fill in when his head was healing most rapidly in the first months after surgery.

We won't be coming back here for a year if all goes well. We are going to watch and make sure his head is growing at his next pediatricians appointment and we'll come back sooner if it hasn't. They think that it will have grown because he is doing everything and more that he should be at this age, and he isn't having trouble sleeping or headaches.

This boy is SO loved! We can't imagine our family without him and love all the joy, laughter, cuddling, and sweetness he brings. We even love his spunk that comes through in little tantrums.

His cousin Jessica took some darling photos for us. Look at that beautiful head! There is still a bit of a ridge on his forehead that they will fix when he's five if we think it is too pronounced. We're just praying it smooths out on its own and we don't have to consider that path.

Happy 1 Year Cranioversary to our perfect little boy! We love you Isaac and appreciate all you have taught us through your courageous and patient attitude. We are grateful you are healthy and happy and that we get the amazing blessing of having you in our family. XOXO

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

8 Months Post-Op

What an amazing boy! Our Isaac is now 18 months old and 8 months post op. I am amazed when I stop to think about all that he's been through and how it is all, mostly, just a memory now. We no longer get stares when we go out, all that silky red hair completely covers his scar. It's good and bad. I do miss being able to tell people about craniosynostosis, which the vast majority of people have never heard of.

He is so smart and developing right an track, if not a little ahead of the pack. He speaks clearly and has lots of words, adding new ones every day. This week it was "iPod"! Definitely his favorite toy that we are constantly hiding from him as he goes around the house searching and asking for it.

To get him to sit still for these pictures we had a little help from his favorite character - Elmo!

There is still a bit of an odd shape to his head, especially on his forehead. According to Dr. Siddiqi that will go away as his brain grows into the space they created with his skull. His brain will then dictate the shape of his head as it controls the growth to fit the shape of his brain. When the pediatrician measured his head it was a lot bigger right after the surgery, but at every well check since then it has been the same size. I assume that once his head starts growing again that will mean that his brain has filled out his skull. Crazy - I have learned so much more to appreciate the miracle of the human body!

 There is one screw that is visible on the left side of his head a little above his temple. It should get smaller and be totally dissolved by 1 year post op.

Measuring up to his brothers and sister at the zoo this last fall. He is a HUGE fan of animals.

A rainy day outside the Draper Utah LDS Temple. He has a nice scab right in the middle of his forehead. He still bumps his head every day on something, and I still feel a little panic inside every time, but then remind myself that his doctors said not to worry about it. He always has a bump or bruise somewhere on his noggin.

 Discovering snow! He loves being outside and playing in all that cold white stuff. He is the most adorable little guy and keeps us laughing and loving him every minute! We are so grateful for our happy and healthy family.