Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Week Check-Up

His first taste of M&M's. He was a fan! We've started taking him out and about more. Sometimes it is amusing to see people's reactions and sometimes it makes me sad. I want to tell the people who stop and stare for a long time, "Just ask me." I am more than happy to explain. I sure am learning a lot about how to treat people with differences, and I am able to teach my children about these things as well.

Playing outside with his big brothers. No matter how upset he is, going outside makes him happy right away. We were given some darling hats to keep that beautiful new head protected from the sun this summer.

We went in yesterday to Dr. Siddiqi's office at Primary Children's for Isaac's 2 week post op check-up. I wondered how he would do entering the hospital, but it didn't seem to bother him at all. It was kinda neat sitting in the waiting room with so many children and parents who had gone through similar things. The doctor said that everything looked great. Right above his eyebrows there is still some swelling, probably because of the drainage tube. That will go away eventually. He will have deep tissue swelling for up to a year. We don't go back to the doctor again for 6 months - that is amazing to me!

The swelling above his eyebrows is pretty visible in this picture.

The knot at the end of his stitches on his left side came out a bit so I clipped it off. This side is looking the best. Dr.Siddiqi said to massage his scar with vitamin E oil for one minute two times a day for a year. I started this morning and he was like a dog getting his ears scratched. =) He loved it and kept moving his head into the massage. It must be really itchy and uncomfortable with his stitches getting all tight and dried out. It's so nice to be able to do something for him that feels good. It also helps loosen up the dried blood and clean things up.

With the swelling mostly gone the lumps and bumps are becoming much more obvious. The doctor said they are from screws and where bone meets and overlaps a little. He is sleeping much better and acting much more like himself. I think getting better sleep makes all the difference so we are hoping that he gets that back to normal soon. 


  1. He looks great! Amazing that 2weeks ago he was in theIcu. I am glad things are getting back to normal.

  2. He is looking so good!
    Makayla says, "Glad he is getting better!"
    Luke says, "I miss you!"
    We love you!!
